Aethic and the fight against Greenwashing: “reef safe” claims

Sun protection is essential, but with growing awareness about environmental impact, choosing the right sunscreen can feel overwhelming. Unfortunately, some brands exploit this concern with "greenwashing".
Aethic and the fight against Greenwashing: “reef safe” claims

The Rise of Greenwashing in the Sunscreen Industry

Greenwashing is a deceptive practice where companies falsely claim their products are environmentally friendly. In the sunscreen industry, one prevalent tactic involves the ambiguous claim of "reef safe" sunscreens. This often involves labeling products as "reef safe", “reef-friendly,” “coral-safe,” despite containing harmful ingredients. Recent lawsuits against major retailers like Walmart and Target highlight the prevalence of these misleading claims.

Why Reef-Safe Sunscreen Matters

Coral reefs are crucial to marine ecosystems, and chemicals in some sunscreens can cause considerable damage to these delicate environments. Ingredients like oxybenzone and octinoxate have been shown to contribute to coral bleaching and disrupt marine life. The increasing awareness of these impacts has led consumers to seek out reef safe sunscreens, but the surge in greenwashing practices makes it difficult to identify genuinely safe options. The Truth About Corals and Sunscreen is one of the many studies done on the harmful effects of the above-mentioned ingredients on the Coral reef.

The lack of standardized testing and clear definitions for "reef safe", “reef-friendly", “ocean-safe,” renders such claims unreliable. A case in point is Bondi Sands, a popular sunscreen brand, which faced a lawsuit in 2022 for allegedly misleading consumers with "reef-friendly" claims despite the presence of other potentially harmful chemicals.

Aethic: A Proven and Patented Solution

Amidst the misleading claims, Aethic stands out as the world’s only proven and patented reef safe sunscreen formula. Protected by European Patent EP 2 736 482 B1, our product is scientifically tested and verified to be harmless to the marine environment, particularly coral reefs. This is not just a marketing claim, but a fact supported by rigorous research.

The Science Behind Aethic's Formula

Aethic’s sunscreen utilizes a unique patented three-filter formula that provides ultimate sun protection while being eco-compatible. Unlike other products that may harm marine life, our formula has been meticulously tested - individually and in its entirety - to ensure it is safe for coral reefs and their marine environment.

Key Features of Aethic’s Sunscreen

  • High Photostability: Ensures long-lasting UV protection without degradation.
  • Triple Sun Filters: Our patented filters will keep your skin - and the ocean- safe from harm.
  • Dermatologist Recommended: Endorsed by top Dutch dermatologist Menno Gaastra for its safety and effectiveness.
  • Universal Suitability: Safe for all skin types, including sensitive skin.
  • Transparent Finish: Applies silky smooth, leaving no visible residue.

Fighting Greenwashing Claims

To avoid falling victim to greenwashing, consumers should look for products with credible certifications and scientific backing. It is essential to check ingredient lists and verify that the product has undergone rigorous testing. Aethic’s commitment to transparency and scientific integrity makes it a trustworthy choice for those seeking genuinely reef safe sunscreen.

Addressing Industry Challenges and Moving Forward

The industry continues to grapple with defining and regulating what constitutes "reef safe" sunscreen. While some argue that broader environmental factors like global warming and pollution have a more significant impact on coral reefs, the specific role of sunscreen chemicals cannot be overlooked. The challenge lies in developing formulations that provide effective sun protection while ensuring ecological safety.

Aethic remains at the forefront of this effort, committed to transparency and scientific integrity. Our patented formula represents a significant advancement in skincare and environmental protection, offering a viable solution amidst widespread greenwashing.

For more information on our products and the science behind them, visit our site: and its relevant pages on the scientific proof behind this proven reef safe sunscreen.

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